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Porites densa

Hump Coral (Vaughn 1918)

Mikhaila Robertson 2012 



Fact Sheet



Physical Description


Life History & Behaviour

Anatomy & Physiology

Evolution & Systematics

Biogeographic Distribution

Conservation & Threats

References & Links

References & Links

Australian Institute of Marine Science, 2011.  Corals of the World: Porites Densa[online].  AIMS: Coral Reef Research.  Accessed at <>[20 September 2012].

Chen, E., 2008. Optimizing a coral nerve net.  SanDiego University.  1-28.

Hamada, F., Yokono, M., Hirose, E., Murakami, A., Akimoto,S., 2012.  Excitation energy relaxationin a symbiotic cyanobacterium, Prochloron didemni, occurring in coral reefascidians, and a free living cyanobacterium, Prochlorothrix hollandica.  Biochimica et biophysica acta 1817(11):1992-1997

IUCN, 2012.  PoritesDensa [online].  Accessed at: <>[accessed 22 October 2012]. 

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Kelley, R., 2012. Coral Finder: Indo Pacific.  BYOGuides, pp 11-13. 

Mayorova, T.D., Kosevich, I.A., Melekhova, O.P., 2012.  On some features of embryonic development andmetamorphosis of Aurelia aurita (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa).  Russian Journal of Developmental Biology43(5): 271-285

Pinzon, J.H., Reyes-Bonilla, H., Baums, I.B., LaJeunesse,T.C., 2012.  Contrasting clonal structureamong Pocillopora (Scleratinia) communities at two environmentally distinctsites in the Gulf of California.  CoralReefs 31(3): 765-777.

Ruppert, E.E., Fox, R.S. & Barnes, R.D., 2004.  Invertebrate Zoology: 7thedition.    Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning,111-180.

Stanley, J.A., Radford, C.A., Jeffs, A.G., 2012.  Location, location, location: finding asuitable home among the noise. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Biological Sciences 279(1742):3622-3631

Vollmer, S.V. & Palumbi, S.R., 2002.  Hybridization and the evolution of coral reefdiversity.  Science 296(5575): 2023-2025.

